середа, 1 квітня 2015 р.

Психологический трюк: мы видим и замечаем то, что хотим видеть и то, что ожидаем заметить - подтверждается моим прочтением этой статьи после ключа "бег ради бега"

"I guess this means I can't" vs "How can I?"
"My mistakes define my future" vs "Learn from my mistakes"
"Learn mostly from expensive failures" vs "Learn mostly from those gone before you"
"How much will this cost me?" vs "How much value will this bring me?"
"I just have to do everything myself" vs "Teach and empower other people to replace me"
"I know everything" vs "there is always something new I can learn"
"I'm glad I'm the smartest person in the room" vs "Glad I'm surrounded by the smartest people"
"I have the perfect idea" vs "Let's test this idea"
"Networking is sleazy, it's about giving a card and about 'me, me, me'" vs "Networking is essential, it's about being curious, getting to know others, camaraderie, building friendships, sharing, and about 'you, you, you'"
"I just need to manage my time better" vs "I need to manage my energy better"
"Saying 'Yes' to everything" vs "saying 'Yes' to selective things, and 'No' to many others"

The game is the reward.

Let me explain that, because it's not obvious.

Here are 2 big reasons  why this matters immensely.
Today is fun. Not some future time. Today. That's very energizing. Think about it from a competition stand point. Who do you want to compete with in business, a person who's energy is elsewhere, or a person who's having the time of his life competing with you. If a person is having the time of their life, today, then they are fully engaged, fully focused, and competing against them is like competing against a relentless force of nature.
There's no early stopping point. Just because you've surpassed your friends dreams doesn't make you think you should stop. Just because you went public, doesn't mean you're going to the beach.

I think this idea is behind all the "follow your passion" advice you hear. And, if you think about it, there is one more reason that this is the secret to success.

If you adopt this mind-set, you are already a success, right now, this day, no waiting.

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